#367: Life is Short- Eat the Christmas Cookies!

Hey there beautiful ladies, I hope you’re having a wonderful day and a wonderful Advent so far. So today, I just want to have a little kind of heart to heart with you a little pep talk before. Hopefully, I know it’s probably a crazy season. And maybe you’re not even getting to this until […]
#366: ANNOUNCING: Healthy Catholic Moms Program Options for 2024!

Hello, my friends, it’s here. It’s here. Well, it’s almost here. So today, I’m going to chat with you and talk you through the offerings for healthy Catholic moms programs are 2024. I will try to be brief but thorough and you can please just know a little bit after this comes out. So this […]
#365: Your Grab & Go Snack List for the Busy Holiday Season

Hey there beautiful people, how are you, I hope you’re having a great day. Thank you so much for being here with me today. And if you’re getting your workout on, keep up the great work. I know a lot of you do exercise while you listen to this. And whatever else you’re doing, guys, […]
#364: Four Tips on Where to Start When the Idea of Diet & Exercise Overwhelms You

Hey there beautiful people. Welcome to The Healthy Catholic moms podcast. Welcome to today’s episode, I’m so happy you are here with me. Thank you for being here. So I hope you’re having a great December so far a wonderful Advent. Today we are going to talk about where to start couple tips on where […]
#363: Your Advent De-Clutter Challenge!

Hello my friends. Happy Advent welcome to today’s episode. I’m so happy you are here. So this is a super short Advent, I feel like this is maybe the shortest it can get with us having let me pull my calendar back up. But I know it’s crazy short. Yeah, like Christmas is Monday. So […]
#362: How to Plan Your Year to Include ALL E

Hello there, my friends. Welcome to today’s episode, welcome to December if you’re listening to this, right when it comes out, here we are last month of the year. So I’m going to take this month to kind of yes, we want to finish 2023 by head. So enjoy for like, what year are we […]
#361: 5 Tips for Fitting in Exercise during the Busy Holiday Season

Hey ladies, welcometo the last podcast episode of November. Here we are. Right in the middle of the holiday season two, I hope you are having a great month a great day. If you are listening to this, you know right when it comes out, I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. So there’s that […]
#360: The Sweet Spot- Where you Maintain Your Physique But Get to ENJOY Life!

Hello, my friends, welcome to the podcast. Thank you so much for being here and tuning in with me today, I hope you are having a great day so far. And I hope it’s even better at the end of this conversation, it’s always my goal to hopefully leave you, you know, happier or more […]
#359: 5 Ways to Make Choosing Healthy Habits Easier

Hey there friends, welcome to the podcast. Welcome to today’s episode. And thank you so much for being here. Thank you to all of you to who have been leaving reviews, I always really appreciate that. If you have not done that, and you’ve enjoyed a couple episodes of the podcast, if you would take […]
#358: How I’m Preparing for Birth and Postpartum

Hey there, friends, welcome to today’s episode. Thank you so much for being here. So truly happy you’re here. I hope you’re having a great day and a great week so far. Great month so far too. So if you’re listening to this, maybe you’re just curious. But maybe, and maybe more accurately, you’re in […]