Episode #347: Your Protein Source Matters (Animal, Plant, Etc.)

Hey, beautiful people. Welcome to today’s episode, thank you so much for being here. If you have been with me a long time, you will not be surprised at all about me talking about protein and the importance of protein. But if you are newer, and you’re like, Okay, this conversation, maybe in a couple […]
Episode #346: Navigating Social Events at the Holidays

Hey there beautiful ladies, welcome to the podcast. Thank you so much for being here. And for hanging out today, we’re gonna hop right in, because if you were here and you press play, you want to know the nitty gritty of how to get through and enjoy the holidays, but how to do it […]
Episode #345: 5 Tips to Prevent Holiday Weight Gain

Hello beautiful friends, and welcome to October if you are listening to this right when the podcast comes out, I’m so happy to be here with you today. And to kick off another month, we talked a ton in kind of end of August into September, about healthy fall prep. And now I want to […]
Episode 344: Breastfeeding & Fat Loss
Intro: Welcome to The Healthy Catholic moms podcast where we make moving and nourishing our bodies the priority, so that we not only fulfill our vocations, but excel in our callings. I’m Brittany Pearson, a Catholic wife, mom, personal trainer, and I’m here to help you build healthy habits that actually fit your life. I […]
Episode 343: Remove the Obstacles to Fat Loss and Maintenance
Intro: Welcome to The Healthy Catholic moms podcast where we make moving and nourishing our bodies the priority, so that we not only fulfill our vocations, but excel in our callings. I’m Brittany Pearson, a Catholic wife, mom, personal trainer, and I’m here to help you build healthy habits that actually fit your life. I […]
Episode 342: Eating Healthy According to Your Lifestyle
Intro: Welcome to The Healthy Catholic moms podcast where we make moving and nourishing our bodies the priority, so that we not only fulfill our vocations, but excel in our callings. I’m Brittany Pearson, a Catholic wife, mom, personal trainer, and I’m here to help you build healthy habits that actually fit your life. I […]
Episode 341: The Best Ways to Measure Progress
Episode 340: Protecting Your Longevity
Intro: Welcome to The Healthy Catholic moms podcast where we make moving and nourishing our bodies the priority, so that we not only fulfill our vocations, but excel in our callings. I’m Brittany Pearson, a Catholic wife, mom, personal trainer, and I’m here to help you build healthy habits that actually fit your life. I […]
Episode 339: The Easiest Secret Weapon for Overall Health

Intro: Welcome to The Healthy Catholic moms podcast where we make moving and nourishing our bodies the priority, so that we not only fulfill our vocations, but excel in our callings. I’m Brittany Pearson, a Catholic wife, mom, personal trainer, and I’m here to help you build healthy habits that actually fit your life. I […]
Episode 338: It’s OK to Loosen Up Your Diet on the Weekends

Intro: Welcome to The Healthy Catholic moms podcast where we make moving and nourishing our bodies the priority so that we not only fulfill our vocations, but excel in our callings. I’m Brittany Pearson, a Catholic wife, mom, personal trainer, and I’m here to help you build healthy habits that actually fit your life. I […]